John of God

John of God has served as a channel to heal millions of people over the years, directly or indirectly and has dedicated himself as a powerful spirit healing medium and psychic surgeon, sometimes at great personal cos. It is well known that John of God’s success rate is very good. As you may understand this is hard to formalize. When one reflects on current orthodox medical treatments and their success rate (when taken on their own without complementary support, or along with a patients own conscious part in their healing process) You may then understand that John of God’s success rate is extremely good!

U.S. medical scientists have conducted studies and confirm that John of God’s work is successful and authentic. However, due to the spiritual nature of this work it remains undefinable within the boundaries of current scientific medical understanding. John of God’s work (as a medium) is seen as an important possible alternative cure for Cancer…. amongst many other illnesses. In the very least it  is one of the most powerful support and catalysts for healing shifts available  on the planet today.

Dr. Zhi Gang Sha

Zhi Gang Sha is an American spiritual teacher, author and lecturer, as well as a prominent alternative medicine advocate. Sha is a strong promoter of increasingly popular forms of spirituality. He has published 20 books, including ten New York Times bestselling books, including Soul Healing Miracles: Ancient and New Sacred Wisdom, Knowledge, and Practical Techniques for Healing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies, which has sold more than 300,000 copies since its release in November 2013. His 2014 book, Soul Mind Body Science System, debuted on the Amazon Top 100 Bestseller List. Sha is the founder of The Chanting Channel, a meditative and chanting space that runs 24-hours per day, 365 days a year to increase healing and mindfulness on an individual and global level.

Deborah King

Deborah King is a New York Times best-selling author, meditation teacher, renowned spiritual leader, and a leading authority on energy medicine. A successful attorney in her 20s, Deborah masked childhood traumas and an abusive family life with drug and alcohol addictions while still managing to succeed in her professional life. All of that changed radically, however, when she was confronted with a cancer diagnosis.

Forced to evaluate her lifestyle, priorities, and unresolved issues from her past, Deborah saw her illness as a wake-up call that inspired huge shifts in her life. First steps included addressing her addictions, learning to meditate, and opening herself to alternative possibilities. After receiving permission to delay the surgery from her physicians, Deborah worked with practitioners in the energy medicine field, and along with use of tools like meditation and journaling, she experienced a spontaneous remission of the cancer. After her recovery, she realized that doing her best to ignore problems and unresolved emotions all her life had led her to the point of illness, addiction, and turmoil. The experience left Deborah determined to become a meditation teacher and a thought leader and speaker so that she could help others lead healthy, happy and harmonious lives.

Jerry Sargeant

Jerry Sargeant, known as ‘The Facilitator’, is the founder of Star Magic Healing, author of Star Magic ‘Heal the You-Niverse’  and is world renowned for healing people and creating rapid shifts within them on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual planes. Jerry understands transformation on all levels. Coming from a life of crime, mixing with some of the world’s most dangerous criminals, to living life as a healer, way shower and spiritual explorer, helping humanity expand the levels of consciousness on Planet Earth, through love. After a serious road traffic accident, a trip to space and time spent in Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools, Jerry Sargeant completely transformed his ways and re-discovered this magical gift.

Jerry works to guide others on the Ascension path by spreading the awareness of love, igniting the inner wisdom of others and increasing the frequency of heart consciousness to support the unified human collective. Jerry’s ability to heal has been likened to some of the most powerful healers in history, having healed broken bones, removed cancerous tumours, cysts, dissolved fibromyalgia, healed hearts as well as healing broken relationships and super-charging businesses to achieve massive success.

Jerry runs a number of international Star Magic healing and meditation workshops, a Global Meditation Group and trains people to create and heal with Star Magic and work with the light and sound codes, constantly travelling through the ether.

Charlie Goldsmith

Charlie woke up with the gift to heal when he was 18 years old. He had never heard of anyone having such an ability and didn’t even know it was possible. For 18 years Charlie kept his healing gift out of the public eye. He wanted to wait until he felt as though he had gathered enough evidence to take this next step in the hope to gain more opportunities to achieve what he feels is important and that is proving what he does, scientifically works.  Charlie is out to do everything he can to satisfy the broader medical community, using valid scientific methods, to prove that healing abilities like his can be rigorously tested and credibly validated.

These abilities not only exist, but can have profound positive effects that are non-invasive and without side effects in many areas where there are no medical solutions to this point. In Charlie’s experience there is an enormous gap between what’s possible and what the majority, led by science, believe is possible. His objective has always been to work with doctors and scientists to prove the benefit of healers such as myself working alongside them.

Alla Svirinskaya

Alla is a medically trained fifth generation energy healer and world-renowned expert in holistic medicine. Growing up in Communist Soviet Russia, she was coached by her mother in the art of healing: “I was about six when I realized I had the same healing powers as her. I would sit next to her, watching her move her hands over a sick person without touching him and I would feel my fingers start to tingle or throb rhythmically.”

Alla studied at medical school in Russia and was awarded a scholarship to travel to India and Sri Lanka where she was nurtured in Eastern philosophy founded on an understanding of energy fields around the body (known as the aura) and energy flows through the body (chi). “I learned that each organ has its own energy field and frequency, as does each illness”. According to Alla, a person’s aura has seven layers, three of which represent your physical, emotional and mental energy. Alla’s bio-energy balancing is about harmonizing people on these three important levels.

Ray Brown

Raymond Brown, the unique trance medium who for the past forty eight years has worked with Spiritual Surgeon Paul of Tarsus who lived on the earth plane over two thousand years ago. Ray works in a deep state of trance in a very natural way with Paul to provide a form of spiritual healing and surgery to his patients.

Together, Paul and Raymond have used their healing powers on thousands of patients who suffered with all manner of illnesses from sciatica and disc problems, frozen shoulders, carpal tunnel, joint pain, tennis elbow,  arthritis, rheumatism, IBS, stomach pain, endometriosis, hiatus hernia, infertility, eyes, ear, nose, and throat problems, ME, and neurological conditions.

Spirit Paul, a highly respected Spiritual Surgeon, chose Raymond when he was a baby to train for his healing work on the earth plane.

Richard Bartlett

Richard Bartlett is the Founder of Matrix Energetics®, a complete system of transformation that produces observable and verifiable changes which can be taught to anyone. Matrix Energetics encompasses a new state of being, a new way of experiencing the world we live in, and a more expansive way of accessing new possibilities – a consciousness shift.

It has been Dr. Bartlett’s burning desire for many years to push the envelope until he came up with a teachable system that people from all walks of life could use for themselves, not just a few select or “gifted” people. Not just health practitioners but people with no previous experience as well. Dr. Bartlett worked to develop a system that produced observable and verifiable changes and which could be taught to others as easily as any other life skill. Matrix Energetics encompasses a new state of mind, a new way of looking at the world we live and breathe in, and a new way of reaching out to new possibilities, a consciousness shift.

Matrix Energetics is dedicated to bringing this new consciousness shift and personal power of transformation and healing to as many people as possible. Dedicated to showing people how to access new possibilities. When people can observe and see for themselves verifiable physical changes rapidly as happens when using Matrix Energetics, it helps them to accept these new possibilities and makes it real for them.

Michael Mohoric

Michael Mohoric has studied with a number of energy healers from various traditions for over 25 years. The energy healers that made the most impact on him came from the Qigong tradition. Michael studied yoga for many years and started studying qigong in 1994 after experiencing some health issues. He had read about the exceptional abilities of some qigong energy healers and felt qigong would be able to help him. He studied with several teachers and then studied with Tibetan Qigong Master Zi Sheng Wang. He found that a regular Tibetan Qigong practice helped him regain his health.

In August 2000, Michael suffered a severe spinal cord injury and lost most of the use and feeling in his arms and legs. He also lost some other organ function.  After surgery to remove disks and pieces of vertebrae that had pushed deep into the spinal cord the neurosurgeon said that he might never walk again. He was facing the possibility of life as a quadriplegic with someone having to take care of most of his needs. Soon after surgery, he entered into a profound state of unity consciousness that lasted several months. Even though he had spent many years meditating and doing various practices, none of his experiences even came close to this incredible sense of peace, love, joy and gratitude. He could see the interconnectedness of life and space was filled with energy and love. It was if a veil was lifted and he could see the truth behind the illusion of separateness.

Shorty after surgery he could feel energy coursing through his body and began to heal. He used Qigong techniques he learned to help heal. He had to learn to walk again and spent several challenging years recovering before he could walk fairly normal again.

Mas Sajady

After his second near death experience, Mas Sajady was gifted with intuitive and healing abilities so remarkably potent that he was soon likened to some of the most significant healers in history. Mas works on the core frequency level to help redesign and reprogram your blueprint, materializing fast and tangible results and manifesting abundance in all areas of life. Thousands around the world have transformed their lives after just one or a few sessions with Mas.

Mas Sajady has always been intuitively gifted. Like many others, he tried to hide or ignore his highly intuitive nature so he could “fit in”.  It is for this reason Mas has always strongly advised parents to support children who have similar affinities. It literally took Mas two near death experiences to awaken and embrace his abilities.


Evan is an Internationally known energy healer who specializes in holistic and spiritual principles and practices that heal and balance the body, mind and spirit. He heals in the traditions of the early Christians and Shirdi Sai Baba.

Additionally, he can access past life information, see future issues and correct them. Bring Soul mates together and heal relationships, and as a Medium he contacts those who have crossed over. As an Exorcist he has performed over six hundred exorcisms.

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