There are moments in our lives when we feel adrift or less able to make sense of our purpose, of our reasons to go forward.

This is actually the common background of people coming to me and saying I need to reconnect with the Universe. So that, I think the moment has come for me to go more in-depth on this topic.

Namely, I will try to delineate 4 ways you can restore a more harmonious link with the universal matrix. Their effectiveness may vary from individual to individual, but the key aspect is this: never underestimate your divine and cosmic nature.

You are fire which awaits to be ignited, you are a stargate to infinite possibilities, you are a resourceful receptacle of wisdom and it’s time you approach change with the utmost fearlessness.

1. Consider a Retreat

You may be easily distracted – and no wonder, if you consider how many stimuli you need to process on a daily basis.

reconnect with the universe

The first step would be decluttering your mind from this surplus of information. A retreat resort can be the beginning of your journey towards reclaiming your wholeness and oneness.

Within a retreat, you’ll learn and exercise stillness. Breathing again. Listening. Capturing and apprehending the hidden patterns nature is made of.

Time will stretch and you’ll be able to allocate enough of it to meditation and soul-searching. You can practically create the premises to blossom into the powerful being of light you’ve been born to become.

2. Give a Thought to What ‘Reconnect with the Universe’ Actually Means

Reconnecting with the universal matrix is more like a homecoming. 

You’re born with astounding cosmic gifts, you pertain to the world of stars and light, you’ll always be there. You’re just dissuaded from perceiving it as such because you’ve been too caught up in the material world. And when you stop for a moment and ponder, you realise you need to go back to your true nature.

It might seem like a small step to take, but rethinking your rapport with your genuine cosmic nature will have transformational effects on your psyche.

3. Facing the Emotional Load

The emotional dimension of every being is a chaotic dynamic, with irrational impulses and feelings surfacing haphazardly.

reconnect with the universe

More often than not, they grow to overwhelm you. But – whether you know it or not – you DO have the power to strike back and tackle them.

You only need to find what I like to call the ‘spiritual warrior’ within. Ruthlessly brave, soul-searchers par excellence, these warriors silently carve their path through life. Their bravery is also proven by the way they dive into the spiritual.

That’s why most of them use energy healing when they need to take control of their emotional clutter, so that they can reconnect with the Universe.

4. Live in the Moment

I know, this is something you may hear pretty much everywhere in personal development resources. But you really need to apprehend the value of letting go of past or future projections and give the present your unabridged dedication.

By doing so, you’ll be able to create a habit out of re-birthing yourself. Constantly reshaping your expectations, adjusting, adapting, so as to morph into a myriad state of perception.

Surrender to life without expecting anything in return. Unchain yourself from the heaviness of expectation and you’ll become that ethereal entity that is able to perceive deeply.

Only a perceptive soul can reconnect with the Universe genuinely. 

The Universe – myself included – is just waiting for you to discover the One Love which ignites your existence.


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