Once you’ve settled for a complete reshaping of your life through energy healing, you’ll be seeking for the best energy healer.

This is a significant choice since you’re completely entrusting another person with elevating everything your being represents.

You want them to guide you through and towards Light. You expect to see some results because your time is precious and you need to accomplish the entire greatness you were destined and endowed for.

Energy healers are souls who underwent transformative events which helped them shift their perspective upon life. They’re the most qualified to guide you towards the same kind of goal, but not all of them will be the perfect match for you.

That said, I will give you 3 telling signs that you’ve found the best energy healer to elevate your soul and guide you to discover the One Love governing all the cosmic dynamic.

1. Instant Connection

A connection between two souls can take various manifestations and degrees. In the case of spiritual practitioner-patient, it means that the patient puts an extraordinary amount of trust in their healer.

And this trust should be gained instantly, if possible.

best energy healer

It’s not hard to tell whether you established a mutual trust-based relationship. You will feel at ease, you will feel comfortable and you will have the impression you know this person since forever.

This is the atmosphere the best energy healers are able to create within the first minute of your interaction. They immerse in a peaceful state before meeting you and thus project a positive vibe that interacts with your aura and connects their soul and yours in a cosmic bond.

If you don’t feel this unspeakable bond, it might be the case that you have to seek for another practitioner.

2. Powerful Eye Contact

Healers usually channel energy through the auditory medium. They use a soothing tone (called the Love Frequency) to convey the universal energy that wires your being to the universal matrix.

But healing can also be carried out on a visual level by maintaining eye contact.

If we think of eyes as the mirrors of one’s soul, we have to consider healers’ eyes as stargates to the Universe. They will have a magnetic quality, either by their shape or colour. You will feel inexplicably drawn towards maintaining eye contact as your intuition senses this is how you can step into another dimension.

The best energy healer will have both a soothing voice and an irresistible energy about the eyes. This way, the healing will be more powerful.

3. The Best Energy Healer Won’t Ask for Worship

While energy healing is a branch of spiritual healing, it does not resort to the spiritual practices cultivated within the religious rites.

Practices like religious chants or movements are meant to elevate the spirit towards meeting one deity or another.

While energy healers do not discard these spiritual techniques, they will know to employ them only when the case requires. And only if they lead to a deeper connection with the Universe. 

best energy healer

Because there’s a strong reason to put the Universe’s dynamic at the forefront of any energy healing practice: the Universe works on principles that are unchanged since the beginning of the world.

The best energy healer is the one who will ask you to worship neither his person nor other beings. The only thing you should ‘worship’ is the commitment to reconnecting with your true self. 

Even the fact that you’re reading this proves you’re on the right path, so make sure you keep walking on it. On this website, you’ll always find inspiration and insight into matters that are not accessible to everyone.


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