Do you feel disconnected, unmotivated, tired, stuck, stressed, anxious, like you’re lacking direction and can’t make sense of your emotions?

Then you might be experiencing energy blockages. Like everything else around us, our bodies are made out of energy. When the energy is stuck, it prevents us from living authentic lives and achieving our greatest potential.

If we clear energy blocks, we can start experiencing these amazing effects:

  • Greater clarity when it comes to our life’s purpose;
  • Being more energetic;
  • Eliminating stress;
  • Restoring our emotional life;
  • Being aligned with our life’s purpose;
  • Welcoming abundance into our lives.

Everyone can clear these energy blocks by using a few convenient techniques, so if you’re experiencing signs of energy blockages, keep reading to find out how you can get rid of them.

How to Clear Energy Blocks

1. Yoga

Any type of exercise is recommended when you’re trying to get rid of energy blockages, but yoga is particularly good because it stimulates the energy flow by moving it through the entire body, which will then remove any blockages.

2. Meditation 

Meditation is a powerful practice which can help you reduce stress, quiet your mind, step away from everyday chaos, and ultimately help you clear energy blocks. By focusing on reducing noise in your mind, you will make room for the energy to flow.

3. Affirmations 

Affirmations are known for being extremely effective at raising our vibrational frequency, which means that it can help you go from lacking focus or purpose in your life to discovering what really matters to you. When you focus on positive thoughts and express them through affirmations, you attract positive energy and enable its flow in your body.

4. Crystals

Crystals are known for having cleansing powers and can definitely change your energy, health, and aura. Larimar is a crystal recommended for raising your consciousness and it can be used when you have self-imposed blockages. Scolecite is another type of crystal which can help you create a much deeper spiritual connection with yourself. These are just a few examples of crystals you can own which can help with energy blocks.

5. Healthy eating 

What we put in our bodies can lead to energy blockages as well, especially when our lifestyle consists of eating processed foods. Eating healthy, organic foods can help you get your vitality back, which will help you focus much better on additional ways of letting the energy flow through your body.

6. Spending time in nature

Spending more time in nature is one of the easiest ways to harmonise with your true self. It’s also the ideal place where you can practice grounding meditation. The trees and the plants are all sending vibrations towards you, and this can help you fine-tune the energy pathways.

Don’t Hold Back. Live to Your Maximum Potential

Our bodies’ energy system is entirely responsible for how we feel on a physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional level. Therefore, in order to live the life we deserve, filled with abundance, we need to clear energy blocks and let it flow through our bodies.

To achieve this, you need to do something every single day, whether it’s meditation in nature or saying a few powerful affirmations.

Soon, you’ll notice how everything in your life is changing for the better.

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.