4 Secrets of Self-Healing to Put into Practice Right Away

Every life starts with a single cell which replicates into different versions of its own self. One becomes many. So, everything is connected. Your...

Affirmations You Can Use To Balance Your Chakras And Heal Yourself

The word Chakra derives from Sanskrit, it means wheel, circle, and it's found particularly in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The concept is based on the belief that there...

Why You Should Try Energy Healing at Least Once

We've all had problems in our lives. We've all had negative thoughts and even attitudes we're not particularly proud of. They can even be...

Common Fears That Are Stopping You From Pursuing Your True Purpose

Mark Twain said something that will make you reflect on life: The two most important days in your life are the day you are born...

What You Should Know About Shamanic Healing Techniques

Shamans have always been wrapped up in mythical assumptions regarding their spiritual powers. In truth, the shamanic healing techniques may rather seem as pertaining to...

The Divine Feminine Energy – What It Is and Why It...

Despite its name, the divine feminine energy is not a concept which applies only to women. This is a universal energy and we all...